The Henry Stickmin Collection Games

The Henry Stickmin Collection is a series of six interactive fiction video games developed by PuffballsUnited. The games are known for their humor, over-the-top action, and multiple endings, determined by the player’s choices. The series was originally released as a collection of five games on Newgrounds in 2018, with a sixth game added in 2020.
[Image of The Henry Stickmin Collection Video Game]

In 2020, the games were remastered and released on Steam as The Henry Stickmin Collection. The collection includes all six games, as well as new graphics, sound effects, and music. The collection has been well-received by critics, and it has been praised for its humor, originality, and replayability.

The six games in the collection are:

The Henry Stickmin Collection is a fun and addictive series of games that is sure to appeal to fans of humor, action, and interactive fiction.

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